Monday, February 25, 2013

Pronoun Endings for Verbs

 « Imperative «        Course Index       Notes About Pronouns   

Tolkien changed his scheme of pronouns frequently.  The forms I am using are taken from a late-1960's source, and are Ardalambion's favorite.

A pronoun for the subject of the verb can be (but does not need to be) attached to the end of the verb.  Stand-alone pronouns do exist.

   -nyë, -n          I

   -lyë, -l           you (one person, formal/polite)

   -tyë              you (one person, informal/familiar)

   -ldë             you (a group)

   -s, (rarely -së)      he/she/it /genderless singular

   -ltë (variant:  -ntë)  they (plural)

These are used only if the subject of the verb is not explicitly stated.

Use the “short” form (-n, -l, -s) if no other ending will be added; otherwise use the “long” form.

The plural pronouns (such as –ldë and –ltë) do not need the -r plural ending on the verb.

     lassë lanta    a leaf falls    lanta

     lantas            it falls           lanta- + -s (it)

     lassi lantar   leaves fall    lanta- + -r (verb plural)

     lantaltë         they fall       lanta- + -lte (they)

Practice – Your Turn

Highlight the shaded boxes to see the answers.


│                 useful vocabulary                

│ mar-    live (at a location)  (past tense marnë)  │

│ rista-  cut                   (past tense ristanë)│

│ hir–    find                  (past tense hirnë)  │

│ not-    count                 (past tense nontë)  │

│ cen-    see                   (past tense cennë)  │

│ tur-    control, govern, rule  (past tense turnë)

 Alqualondessë            in Alqualondë            │

 Endórë                   Middle-Earth             │
│ sinomë                   here, in this place      │

│ orva                     apple                    │

│ mírë                     jewel                    │

│ cirya                    ship                     │


I live here.      Marin sinomë.

I saw a dragon in Alqualondë.     Cennën lócë Alqualondessë.

They found jewels.      Hirneltë míri.

You found jewels.  (polite)     Hirnelyë míri.

You found jewels.  (informal)     Hirnetyë míri.

He cut the apples.     Ristanës orvar.

I will rule Middle Earth!!!     Turuvan Endórë!!!

She is counting ships.     Nótas ciryar.

Extra Material for the Geeks:
The pronoun endings -n, -l, -s, -t could also refer to the object of the verb.
     -n     me
     -l      you (one person, formal/polite)
     -s      him/her/it/genderless singular
     -t      them (plural)

The subject-pronoun would go first, then the object pronoun.
     Hantanyel     I thank you.     hanta- + -nye (I, subject)+ -l (you, object)

 « Imperative «        Course Index       Notes About Pronouns   

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